
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) Organizations

A Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) organization serves as a resource hub for families, child care professionals and communities. CCR&Rs increase access to high-quality, affordable child care by providing many different services depending on where an individual lives.

Choosing child care is one of the most important decisions families make and it can be difficult to find reliable information about your child care options. Local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies help parents take the guesswork out of choosing care by providing:

CCR&Rs assist families by phone, in person and in other ways that are tailored to each family. In addition to assistance finding child care, many CCR&Rs offer parenting workshops, hotlines and newsletters.

More information on CCR&R childcare vouchers.

CCR&Rs support the whole family

CCR&Rs prioritize placing children in safe, high-quality child care settings and provide additional resources and supports to strengthen the whole family. Services include:

CCR&Rs support early childhood educators and child care programs

CCR&Rs build the supply of quality child care within their state and local communities. Services offered include:

CCR&Rs partner with state lead agencies

CCR&Rs have deep experience collaborating with state lead agencies to meet the emergent needs of children, families, and providers. This includes:

CCR&Rs gather important data on child care needs and trends

Many families want to know the average cost of child care in their area as they’re searching for the right program. Potential child care providers may wonder what the needs of the community are before they open a child care business. They may also may want to know where gaps in service are in order to target their business to meet certain needs. Child Care Resource and Referral agencies often conduct research on child care needs and trends within their community so that they can answer those questions. This research also helps them to report what is happening in the child care field each year. This data also fuels CCAoA’s national research and advocacy efforts.

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